CoatPro offers two types of industrial, non-stick, corrosion protection (dry film) coatings. The first is a Molybdenum disulfide/PTFE (teflon) product with excellent wear and corrosion protection characteristics. It cures to a friction coefficient of .02, offers excellent high-pressure surface contact wear resistance, operates effectively up to 550 deg F and offers long term corrosion and chemical protection in most environments. The second coating is a Molybdenum disulfide/ceramic matrix product that offers the same excellent protection characteristics as the first coating but provides a harder surface, a higher (650 deg F) operating temperature envelope and greater resistance to mechanical and contact wear. It is an excellent coating to prevent stainless steel and other hard metals from galling. The PTFE based dry film is an excellent choice to treat internal engine components - piston skirts, connecting rods, internal oil pan surfaces- to provide better wear resistance on the pistons and much improved oil-drainback on the connecting rods and oil pan surfaces. We also offer a titanium-based piston top surface coating that reduces piston heat-soak by about 40%. This provides greatly enhanced protection from flame erosion and oil coking on the bottom of the piston face.