Another successful experiment with our specialized clear coatings! This is an antique porch lamp "cage" made of brass filigre soldered to steel legs. The three metals show very nice contrast and expose the "flesh" of the lamp cage. Our experiments don't always turn out this successfully but we are forever experimenting and innovating. Bring your project by and see what we can do for you.

COATPRO just completed one of the most interesting projects in our history. We coated cut-away cylinders for a Jacobs 755 radial engine for Radial Engines of Guthrie. The cylinders will be part of an animated engine display Radial Engines is building for trade show demonstrations. We are very proud of the finish on the cylinders. Special attention was paid to media blasting the cylinders to perfection, followed by a specially prepared clear powder finish.

COATPRO is improving every day! We have started a campaign to have every powder color and surface finish and our Dry Film and High Temp coatings on 6x6 sample plates. The plates make it possible for customers to easily see what we offer. They also make it easy to see which colors we have in stock at any given time. We're almost at the 40% stage of making the sample plates. We have discovered some VERY interesting characteristics of our clear finishes.

COATPRO is keeping us busy! We had to build a new, bigger blast cabinet just to keep up. The other one was a good servant for these past 8 years but it had some issues. Leaking around the myriad of seams, too small to handle a motorocycle frame, weak flooring, bad lighting, etc, etc. The new one is of our own design and addresses all the other cabinet's issues. Bright, sealed, strong floor, good windows, etc, etc.
COATPRO wishes all of our cutomers, vendors, friends and family ALL THE BEST FOR CHRISTMAS and A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR!! We've had a great year and thank all of you for your patronage, support and friendship.